
2 veilSpirituality: Art, Science and Esoteric Religion


We are presently going through a huge and protracted paradigm shift that is causing a considerable acceleration in our global vibrations. Humanity is being prepared for a major step forward in evolution.


We are on the threshold of a New Frontier. We are being prepared to cross over and rent the veil that separates us from the Invisible World. Some also call this multidimensional invisible world, the Inner World. Even though not visible, we use this invisible energy all the time. We talk a lot about it, yet, because we have not developed our spiritual vision, we do not see nor do we recognize it consciously. If we knew how, we could use it to transform our lives with it.


We perceive the world through the limited window of our five senses that only connects us to a very narrow bandwidth of the cosmic spectrum. But we have two additional senses that are dormant at present: the 6th and the 7th senses. They must be awaken before we can use them and develop our full potential.


The good news is that we can study this Invisible World, learn to recognize its influence and apply it in our daily life. We can open the blind in our window and expand our perspective. Using esoteric knowledge we can train ourselves, and by living the life we can develop our latent spiritual faculties. As we learn to rule our universe, we turn on our internal spiritual power and create a deeper reality in line with our dearest Dreams, higher Principles, and nobler Aspirations.


Join the journey to the New Frontier and explore my new Book: Time Space and Wisdom (https://gumroad.com/jeandegalzain)