Since 2008 and through 2023 humanity is undergoing a major paradigm shift of global consciousness, transitioning from the old fragmented competitive world of nations on the way a new global united cooperative world of nations that will lead to the realization of one universal Brother/Sisterhood and one human race guided from within by Universal Spirit.
Since the discovery of the Planet Pluto in 1930 we have gone through an acceleration of the evolution of our consciousness. Each human being has been invited to tap into the power of their inner Spirit to transform, transmute and transcend the limits of this material world and to conquer a new frontier.
Space is spirit, Matter is crystallized Space, therefore Matter is crystallized Spirit !
During WWII the Nazis began the physical conquest of space with their V2 rocket bombs. That conquest was continued by the Russians and Americans thereafter. Spoutnick in 1957, and the Apollo series going to the Moon in 1969 and beyond, have been one huge step in humanity physically and symbolically freeing itself from planet Earth – the Material World – as if in a out-of-body experience.
One reason for our individual Spirit Self to take our journey into the material world, is to learn to operate in a physical body. Then learn to eventually de-crystallize it, through a spiritual life style, using spiritual alchemy to transmute it into a more ethereal vehicle necessary to conquer the next new frontier – Etheric Space – the invisible world that we walk through all the time, but that we are not able to see with our 5 senses. To see it we need to develop Etheric Vision.
We have 5 senses to guide us through the maze of the Physical World we live in. But there are other worlds around us that we do not see – the multiverse – yet we use their energies and walk through them every minute of our life. We eventually must learn to open our inner eye and to become conscious of this new reality that is hiding beyond the veil of the 5 senses.
To this end we discover that we actually have 7 senses and two of which are dormant. To awaken them we need a new genre of lifestyle and a new quantum approach to this multi-universe or multiverse. Refer to my book: Time Space and Wisdom: 2020-04-10